Decorating Tips for Achieving the Perfect Coastal Home Style

By Samuel
7 Min Read

Whether you’re a beach bum at heart or simply want to bring a touch of the ocean into your home, there’s no denying that coastal style is all the rage. From serene shades of blue and green to natural textures like wood and rattan, achieving the perfect coastal look can transform your space into an oasis of relaxation and comfort. But where do you start? With our expert decorating tips, you’ll be able to create that dreamy seaside vibe in no time!

What is Coastal Style?

Coastal style refers to the traditional, elegant homes that are popular on Northeastern and Southern California coasts. These homes feature large windows and doors that allow plenty of natural light into the home, industrial or coastal décor pieces, and often a bright color palette.

Some key features of coastal style homes include high ceilings and open floor plans that make them inviting and comfortable to live in, as well as built-in amenities like decks and pools for outdoor living. While these houses may require some extra maintenance due to their location away from urban centers, they are surely worth it if you want an unforgettable coastal home experience!

Tips for Achieving the Coastal Look in Your Home

To achieve the perfect coastal look in your home, there are a few tips you can follow. First and foremost, use color to bring out the features of your landscape and architecture. Use bright colors on your buildings and plants to reflect the sun and wind off the water. Second, be liberal with materials and textures. Swap out traditional furniture for brightly colored cushions or rattan chairs to add some texture and interest. Don’t be afraid to use environmental accents like shells or driftwood as detail elements in your decorating scheme.

By following these tips, you’ll help create a home that looks like it’s right out of the beachfront community you’ve always dreamed of living in!

Considerations for Decorating in Coastal Style

When decorating in a coastal style, be sure to incorporate the natural elements of your home into your design. For example, if you have a lot of sand and seaweed in your backyard, consider using those elements in your décor. Also, usestrong textures and patterns in order to add visual interest. Accentuate high-traffic areas with lighter fabrics and more coastal decor, while saving delicate fabrics for less-traveled areas.

Another important consideration when decorating in this style is to take into account the climate. Keep things light and airy during the summer months, and warm and inviting during the winter months. And finally, don’t forget about lighting! Coastal homes are often brightly lit due to their location close to the water, so make sure all of your lights are designed with this in mind.

Modern or traditionally styled, what’s your coastal style?

When decorating your coastal home, it is important to keep in mind the local climate and style. If you want a traditionally styled home, stick to traditional furnishings and decoration. Alternatively, if you want a more modern look, go with contemporary pieces that blend seamlessly with the coastal setting.

When selecting furniture for your coastal home, think about how you will use it. For example, if you have a large pool area, consider purchasing an outdoor chaise lounge set. If you also have a dock or boat dock, consider adding comfortable chairs for relaxing on the water.

Another consideration when decorating for the coastal lifestyle is lighting. Coastal homes often have bright light fixtures installed in the ceilings to illuminate spaces below. When designing your own interior lighting scheme, make sure to choose fixtures that will suit your specific needs and preferences.

Where to find coastal home decor

There is no one right way to decorate for coastal living- it depends on your personal style and the climate where you live. However, a few key tips can help you achieve the perfect coastal home style.

Choose Colors Wisely: When decorating for the coast, avoid dark colors that will be heavy in the summer heat. Instead, choose lighter shades like tans, beiges and creams that will allow your home to breathe while giving you plenty of sunshine protection.

Think Open Concept: A big part of coastal decorating is relaxing and enjoying the outdoors. Make sure your furniture and accessories are designed to permit this by incorporating lots of open spaces into your décor. This means choosing pieces with low or no barriers between them and nature, such as benches and chairs with comfortable backs, large windowsills for plants or storage, and floor-to-ceiling bookshelves for displaying Coastal collection photographs ornaments.

Play With textures: Coastal living is all about having clean lines with high texture elements to balance things out. Hang art made from smooth stones against textured wood paneling or mix sandy beach sand into your potting soil before planting to give your room an ocean feel!


Whether you’re in the process of restoring your old home or building a fresh one from scratch, it’s important to have a vision for the look and feel that you want your Coastal Home to embody. Our tips will help you create a style that is both unique and timeless, perfect for any seaside house. From using coastal vanities and accessories to creating thoughtful room layouts, following through with some of these ideas can bring your coastal home design dreams to life.

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