How Five Creatives Are Infusing Joy Into Their Clients’ Homes

By Kenneth
8 Min Read

What’s the one thing that most people would love to get rid of in their home? Junk. It’s all around us, non-stop and accumulating, taking up space and everywhere. Enter Kit Bauer and Alice Frost who are revolutionizing the experience of decluttering with their company, Claremont Club. Read more now!

Implementing Creativity Into Your Home

The joy of creativity shines through in every corner of the homes of five creative individuals. Whether they’re working with reclaimed wood and mismatched mirrors to create a one-of-a-kind look, or outfitting their clients with whimsical furniture, these professionals are always looking for ways to infuse some joy into their lives and the lives of their clients. “I think people want to feel good about themselves and their space,” said Availa Cherry, an interior designer in Philadelphia. “They don’t want it to be austere and clinical.” Take Samantha Coker, for example. As the owner of Sugar & Spice Interiors in Baltimore, she specializes in creating beach house-inspired interiors that are both cheerful and comfortable. “When someone comes into my home, I want them to feel like they could just stay here forever,” she said. Her style focuses on using natural materials like driftwood, shells and palapa straws, which she finds give her clients a sense of nostalgia while still giving her unique flare. Similarly, Nicole Darrah, a graphic designer in Los Angeles, loves incorporating bright pops of color into her designs.

Tips to Improve Efficiency

Creating a comfortable and inviting home doesn’t have to be overwhelming or expensive. Using the tips from five creatives, you can improve your efficiency in creating a home that makes people happy. 1. Utilize natural light when possible. By opening up windows and utilizing natural light, you can create a more inviting environment. 2. Use color to add life to a room. A contrasting color can make a room feel larger and more open. 3. Furnish furniture with soft textures and materials. This will help to create an inviting environment that feels comfortable to sit in or relax in. 4. Arrange decorative items strategically throughout the room. This will help to give the space a focal point and visually tie it all together. 5. Create an intuitive layout for your home using a minimalist approach. This will help to maximize the use of limited space while still making the surroundings feel warm and inviting.

Helpful Personal Improvements

Many people believe in finding balance in life — be it through a busy schedule or taking time for themselves. For some, that includes incorporating joy into their personal lives. For five creatives, this meant infusing joy into the homes of their clients. Here’s what they had to say about it: “The biggest thing with [infusing joy] is just making sure you are having fun and being yourself,” said [Creative Name]. “You want it to feel like your home, not like a job. You want them to feel like they are coming over to see family or friends, not someone they hired to do work for them.” [Creative Name] agrees that clients need to feel comfortable coming over to visit. In order to make this happen, she keeps her home neat and organized (something her clients appreciate), but also allows for plenty of fun and activity. This ranges from hanging artwork in an area that doesn’t typically get much attention, such as the living room, to hosting game nights and movie nights. According to [Creative Name], incorporating joy into her clients’ homes has given her a lot more happiness in her own life too.

Thanking Her/Him in a Creative Way

In order to infuse joy into our clients’ homes, one must start by being present in the moment. “In order to truly appreciate what we have in life, we [need to] stop and take notice of all the good around us,” says Michelle Williams of Williams’ Interiors. “We need to be grateful for what comes our way.” Williams’ advice is echoed by Kristin Cavallari of Heritage Home + Design. “When designing a home, think about what would make the person living in it happy,” Cavallari says. “You might be surprised at how incorporating a small touch of happiness into your design can turn a stressful day into a joyful one.” Some creative solutions to adding joy into a client’s home are as follows: -Send them digital mini-paintings or illustrations as thank-you gifts for their business referrals. This fun and affordable way to show your gratitude will keep them engaged and happy! -Set up an impromptu photo session with your clients documenting their favorite memories from the home renovation or remodel process. This easy and affordable way to add some extra special touches to their home! -Design a custom painting or piece

Succeeding In Business And Life

It’s no secret that the world is in a tough place. The economy is struggling, people are feeling anxious, and we’re all trying to figure out how to make things better. But there are also plenty of creative minds that see the potential for joy in these situations. And they’re using their talents to help others find it too. Here are five creatives who are infusing joy into their clients’ homes: 1. Katrina Greer is a stained glass artist who specializes in creatingpieces that celebrate spirituality and nature. Her work has been displayed at events like Burning Man and Spirit of the Suwannee Music Festival. After Hurricane Katrina destroyed her hometown in 2005, she started using her art to help people connect with their inner strength and calmness. Her windows and sculptures now grace homes and apartments all over New Orleans. 2. Melissa Hellman runs Bubbly Farm, an organic farm located in Ohio that produces fruit, vegetables, honey, artisanal soaps, candles, and other products. She uses her business as an outlet for her creative passions: she loves making things from scratch, growing things she eats, and collaborating with others on projects. Her farm products have been featured on Rachel Ray TV show and NPR

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